There's a ton of little ants all over the grain, is it going to hurt to plant? Is there a way of getting rid of them without harming the plant?
Tons of little, I think red ants on grain of 🌽
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Learn more about PlantixTons of little, I think red ants on grain of 🌽
Leave turning yellow.
Leaves of plant is like that.what is the solution of it
My maize is not growing according I've applied manure and fertilizer
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4 years ago
Kmasterled Might be due to Aphids. Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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4 years ago
Probably aphids. The ants farm the aphids. The ants are not the problem but too many aphids can be. They can be removed by blasting them with water. It's also recommend planting other things alongside the corn that will bring in those beneficial insects that will consume the aphids as bio control. Keep it organic! Cheers.