It starts at the tip of the bottom leaves and is slowly working it's way upward. Also the are a ton of little ants in the grain pieces. Is there any way of getting rid of them or will they not hurt it?
Yellowing of tips and slowly working it's way up the leaf. Also a ton of little ants in the grain part of the flower.
4 years ago
Kmasterled Thank you for asking once again on maize. Naturally, burning appearance from the tip is a characteristic symptom of Potassium Deficiency or Leaf Scald of Rice or Leaf Scald of Sugarcane. That's it can appear also on corn because most cereal crops can show the symptom as they belong to same family gramineae. I should recommend you to ck the hyperlinks until it could be also alternatively Maize Lethal Necrosis Disease, in that event please upload a picture showing full body of your deceased plant. Best luck!
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4 years ago
Ok. I read up on the different link and I was just curious. If the corn, yes it's corn grow cobs. Will they, the corn on the cob, be poisonous? I only grew one plant, it's my first time. It may not even produce a cob. IDK, just trying for my daughter.