Please identify solution for my crop, having the problem as seen in picture
Please identify solution for my crop, having the problem seen in picture above
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Learn more about PlantixPlease identify solution for my crop, having the problem seen in picture above
The colour is red .. these are more images
Give me suggest when I am horvest the my crop and showing date was 7/3/2020
This type of worms are eating my cotton crop leaves at the germination stage and wearing my crop yeild.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Deficiencia de fósforo Farman Khan
4 years ago
Haga clic en el enlace azul para obtener métodos de control. 🤠🌱
4 years ago
Hi Farman Khan as per your images it seems due to nutrational deficiency like Phosphorus Deficiency and potassium deficiency. Which fertilizer you have applied yet?
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4 years ago
Sir two days before i applied the mixture of DAP and uoria as shown in above bags pictures
4 years ago
Farman Khan جی فاسفورس کی کمی کے لئے آپ نے ٹھیک کھاد دی غ انشااللہ اچھا رزلٹ ملے گا جزاک اللہ۔ تھوڑی انتظار کریں کچھ دنوں تک
4 years ago
Sir i m not an agricultural expert, but i have 5 to 6 acars of agricultural land, due to which i will need your experience time to time, thank you for your response, plz suggest any attractive type of fertilizer for my rice crop, we have no issue of water etc
4 years ago
Hi Farman Khan don't worry you are at right place. Please click the below link to know all information about rice crop in this app. Here you can get all info stage wise just need to add sowing date. It is general, Incase of any confusion feel free to post in community. We really love to help you.