what is this problem in 50 days p1844 variety
outer leafs turning white
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Learn more about Plantixouter leafs turning white
Change of color and cur on leaves
Leave turning yellow.
Plants are becoming dwarf leaves are yellowish
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4 years ago
Hello dear Fatehbir Singh Sidhu how are you dear the symptom is seem to be Fertilizer Burn dear apply amino acid(isabion) dear and next time use urea in flood method dear thank you so much for sharing
4 years ago
Fatehbir Singh Sidhu Not sure but looks like Potassium Deficiency
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4 years ago
whatv is isabion
4 years ago
Dear Fatehbir Singh Sidhu isabion is (amino acid) that farmers using it for chemicals stress on a plant and wrong spray or chemical overdose dear actually there is no recommended control for urea burn or fertilizer burn but as per my own experience amino acid will be good and useful dear