What should I do sir Shahzaib?
The colour is red .. these are more images
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Learn more about PlantixThe colour is red .. these are more images
The tip of the maize crop is turn into white colour and it is affected due to that what is the reason for its please tell me sir and mam.
My maize is not growing according I've applied manure and fertilizer
Sir, what is the control for this
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Salman Nawaz You can suspect this purplish or pinkish color to be associated with Phosphorus Deficiency in maize plants. Pls note that there are some varieties of maize that possess similar features or characteristics genetically. In that case, it's nothing to worry about.
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4 years ago
Sali will be updating.. thanks
4 years ago
Hi Salman Nawaz, apart above I susupect it not due to nutrational deficieny. It might be due to genetical feature of varitey as mentioed above.
4 years ago
Great insight Sali 👍👍