What is the problem of tip of maize is turn into white?
The tip of the maize crop is turn into white colour and it is affected due to that what is the reason for its please tell me sir and mam.
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Learn more about PlantixThe tip of the maize crop is turn into white colour and it is affected due to that what is the reason for its please tell me sir and mam.
This is how the entire farm looks like a week after the application of npk. 23-10-5
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White flies backside of corn leaves.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi , Sunil Kumar ,Zinc Deficiency ...please see the link for reclamation of nutrient deficiency
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4 years ago
Dear Sunil Kumar The plant is healthy. Getting little white at the edges of the leaves may the charecteristic of the variety you have sown . Not to worry. The crop is healthy. Congratulations Good luck
4 years ago
Dear Sunil Kumar zinc deficiency picikari ceyandi