Please identify the deficiency in above image.
White colour in middrip
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Crop-Maize Could you please tell the crop name and pest attack
20 days Maize leaf becoming yellowish and drying..which spray have to do...
The leaves and immature cobs drying up apparently from the outside
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hii Pinakreddy.Madduru this into zinc deficiency for more information just click the green link for more information regarding the corrective measures Zinc Deficiency
5 years ago
Hi Pinakreddy.Madduru its look like iron deficiency but dont worry some time a half of plant also effected by leaf variegation i think this will be 1 or 2 plants in whole crop in this stage 25 to 30 kg urea in flood will give you better result have you used phosphorus? DAP the lower leaf is showing deficiency of Phosphorus Deficiency
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