Fall army worm does not give reaction after application of strong insecticide. It get hard to control. Please give me a solution
Fall army worm is distroying leaves and other vegetative parts of maize which causes a lots of losses
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixFall army worm is distroying leaves and other vegetative parts of maize which causes a lots of losses
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Here are typical symptoms of iron-deficiency chlorosis in maze grown in calcareous soil. Application of 0.5 percent iron sulphate resloves this problem if crop is less than 70 day old.
Please send me the disease
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
You are right. But faw lives deep inside curly leaf so require proper insecticide to control. When you noticed first symptoms?
5 years ago
Saurabh Vanve For control measure precautions are more important than control because speed of spreading & production is very high so take care before sowing.
5 years ago
Hi Saurabh Vanve . It looks like Fall Armyworm . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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5 years ago
Use Spinosad or Emamectin benzoate
5 years ago
You should use CTPR for better control
5 years ago
Hi Deepak Rakde Patil . Don't advertise your personal products here. Because it will effect on our activities.
5 years ago
Saurabh Vanve .. For effective control of fall army worm do have regular feild scouting.. If you see 20 out of 100 plant showing small circular feeding lesions apply the effective insecticide like delegate (Spintoteram)100ml in 200 litre of water per acre.. Chlortraniliprole or thaimethoxam and lamdachalothrin combination will also give you a good control on the same. It's always better focus the early stage of larva for effective control.
5 years ago
Saurabh Vanve fall armyworm control in detail https://youtu.be/wW2cK74CoDk
5 years ago
Apply systemic insecticide. It will be useful for both sucking pests and any type of worms.
5 years ago
I agree with Mr Manish Patil
5 years ago
Spray Delegat r Coragen and Propenofas+cypermetrin combination . Best result for armyworms
5 years ago
Chloropyriphos 20EC 20-40ml in 40-50 liter of water and spary it at night where these worms are active note : do not spary at day