What is the problem with this kind of status of a plant
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It is excessively seen in Kavre district and farmers are worried about it.
Is it caused by a pest?
Longitudinal white line Along length of maize leaves
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5 years ago
اهم شئ هو تنقية الحشائش من حول النبات ثم تقوم بوضع عشرين جرام او ثلاثون جرام حول النبات بعيد عن الجذر عشرة سنتى من سماد اليوريا
5 years ago
Dear Saikrishna Krish it's seems Potassium Deficiency to the plant and the weed population is also creating the competition to the crop.
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5 years ago
Saikrishna Krish ji the weed name is Trianthema portulacastrum (Desert horse purslane) commenlly known as "patharchatta". And for the control use Propanil at 2 kg /ha. Thank you!!
5 years ago
Hi Saikrishna Krish , It's Potassium Deficiency . Agree with Vivek Singh . Kindly check the link for remedy