Identify the disease and please tell the remedy
I sowed Maize 23 days before (on June 24) with 25 kg per acre NPK (14:35:14) and broadcasted Zinc 5 kg per acre 4 days ago (on July 12).For 4 days rain has stopped. Today I saw these white spots on the maize leaves.(I don't remember that these spots were there earlier or not). Till now no weedicide has been sprayed and no manual tilling or weeding has been done in the field. Please help me by telling which disease is this and what is the solution for it. Thank you
6 years ago
Hi Saaim , Welcome to Plantix Community. The symptoms look like greasy leaf spot , foliar fungal disease. For control to spray on Carbendazim 1g or Mancozeb 2.5 g per liter of water. More information for diagnosis and control measures you can review at మొక్కజొన్న బూడిద రంగు ఆకు మచ్చ . Thanks for your post
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6 years ago
Thank you But they are not brown in colour, they are white in colour. I too thought earlier that they are grey leaf spot but they don't look them at all. They are first appearing on upper leaves more in comparison to lower leaves. So I think this disease is not Grey leaf Spot.
6 years ago
Until now these spots have appeared only in the area where zinc has been broadcasted. They are white in colour and leaves have no other injury or holes. They are on both sides of the leaves.
6 years ago
They are white in colour but due to sunlight they may look yellow in the pic. They are completely white on both the sides of leaves.
6 years ago
I met an agricultural scientist and he told me that it was due to zinc application. They are injuries caused by zinc. Thank you for your help guys.