Maize palnt of about 15days
Help me identify the defect with solutions thanks
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Which pesticide should i apply in early stage of maize ?
Total plants are spoils by this insect
I'm facing These type of diseases in Cabbage Field please help me how to control and which is the best fertilizer for this to cure
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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6 years ago
Hi! Thanks for visiting the plantix community! Did you notice any pest on the leaves? How did you fertilize the plant?Please send us more pictures so we can evaluate. To add the photo just click on the pencil icon and then on the +.
6 years ago
Hi RabiuKabo, please ck if you find any caterpillar like Oriental Armyworm. Thank you Juliane - Fitocon | ManejeBem for your steps.
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6 years ago
I can find any pest but there is stagnation around the farm. dampness was obvious
6 years ago
please send more pictures
6 years ago
Welcome to the Plantix community Share more pics and also share something about the fertilizer application schedule followed by you. Thanks for visiting plantix community