This question is about:

Botrytis Blight in Lettuce

Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!

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Botrytis Blight in Lettuce - Lettuce

Lettuce Lettuce


Is this lettuce or what is it pls tell

Pls tell what plant is this 🧐


Nishida Rajguru The lower older leaves supply nutrients to the green younger leaves and the older leaves start drying. This is a common physiological process in plant life. You should remove the dried leaves soon. Pls don't worry about it 😁


However Nishida Rajguru, you can also ck about Botrytis Blight in Lettuce that is a fungal disease. In that case you may need to spray systemic fungicide. Pls ck in Plantix library by clicking on green link and know about the chemicals and control measures.


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