Graps leaves day by day going yellow whats happened please identified it recomend pesticides
Leaves color going yellow and dry
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Clorosis seen on grapewines
Its a 2 years old grape vine. It was very healthy and was spreading quickly untill recently i noticed discoloration of its leaves. Near by a fig tree is also suffering from some sort of issues, its leaves have started twisting.
Leaf colour changing nd fruit is also becoming dull
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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4 years ago
Hi Abdul Qayyum. Can you share some more nearer and clear pictures with your proper query again please.
4 years ago
Start from bottom leaves
4 years ago
Hi Abdul Qayyum It looks like Leafhoppers and Jassids Verticillium Wilt Click on the link to get more info 🙂🙂
4 years ago
I didnot any insect ...
4 years ago
I not find any insect
4 years ago
If you don't find any insect track then it is most probably Downy Mildew Iron Deficiency
4 years ago
Downy Mildew Downy mildew is caused by the fungus Plasmopara viticola. Before white cottony growth arises, yellowish lesions appear on affected leaves. These lesions are oily in texture or appear to be limited by the veins of the leaf. Infected shoot tips thicken and curl, as will other parts of the plant. Downy mildew may overwinter in buds, shoots and leaves. Too frequent sprinkler irrigation contributes to the spread of downy mildew. Allowing leaves and plants to dry as much as possible between waterings will help stop the spread of downy mildew. Begin applying azoxystrobin at budbreak, alternating with a copper-based fungicide, for best control. Nutritional Deficiencies Several nutritional deficiencies cause yellow leaves in grapevines. When one nutrient is lacking, others often are as well -- testing of leaf tissues is the only way to be completely certain that you are correcting the proper deficiency. Iron deficiency is the most common culprit that causes yellowing -- leaf tissues turn yellow, with the only the veins remaining green. It is often the result of high soil pH in wet conditions. Nitrogen deficient grapes will also show yellowing on midshoot leaves. Potassium deficient grapevines resemble those that are iron deficient, except that the leaf will eventually dry out and die. In magnesium deficiencies, the yellowing common to potassium and iron deficiencies does not completely extend to the leaf margins, leaving a green border. Correct nutritional deficiencies by adjusting the soil pH and supplementing the grapevine with the specific nutrient required.
4 years ago
4 years ago
You're welcome 🙂
4 years ago
Hi Abdul Qayyum . Compare symptoms with Downy Mildew of Grape by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
4 years ago
Welcome Abdul Qayyum.
4 years ago
The same is happening with my plant .. I don't think it's downy mildew because no poweder like substace appeared beneath the leaf . And It's also not affected by any insect . I might be because of nutrient deficiency but I don't know which one and what product to use . Would you guys suggeu me home made remedy or any product that may be available in Pakistan.
4 years ago
Hi Goahram Baloch Buzdar Check if there is anything like Fusarium Wilt Please click on above green hyperlink to compare symptoms of your affected plant.
4 years ago
Hi Goahram Baloch Buzdar . Your Grape crop is severely effected by Downy Mildew of Grape and Powdery Mildew of Grape too. Lets click on green links for knowing symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library immediately.
4 years ago
viral diseases