Powdery Mildew of Grape - Grape

Grape Grape


What happened to my grapes plants..identify this infection.

Leaves are turning brown and dry have a little bit spot only this one verity of grapes have this disease all other verity are in good condition.


Wahαβ🌱🌹🍁 Powdery Mildew of Grape Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library ☺️☺️


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Hi Wahαβ🌱🌹🍁 yeah symtoms are much close to Powdery Mildew How many plants have such symptoms ?


Venkat Pawar. Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta Thanks for your good suggestions. I already used pesticide & fungicide but no effect but i think this some virus attack like mosaic virus, my ten thousand plants are effected from this infection im so sad this infection occur after raining i had never faced infection like that before.


Wahαβ🌱🌹🍁 I think first you need to raise Potassium level in you plant and then go for fungicides like Nativo (Tabuconezole + Trifloxystrobin)


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