Spider Mites - Grape

Grape Grape


My grape vines has developed some sort of discoloration. What could be the reason?

Its a 2 years old grape vine. It was very healthy and was spreading quickly untill recently i noticed discoloration of its leaves. Near by a fig tree is also suffering from some sort of issues, its leaves have started twisting.


Hi Syed Ansar Ghani . It seems to be like Spider Mites . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Hi Syed Ansar Ghani , We really love to help you. Image 1: This small spots are due to the attack of Spider Mites. Please click the above link to know all info abou this pest. Instant soution: Go for the application of chemical abamactin. Image 2 It seems due to abotic stress. What your watering schedule ?


Thank you Suresh & shahzaib for your instant replies. Will do according to your advice. Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta i am not watering it much. Rather on and off rain water my trees.. I can see some sort of flies on my fig tree. Fruit is developing brown spots too..


Hi Syed Ansar Ghani , Can you please cut down a fruit and check the presence of any whitish worms?


Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta condition of fig fruits


It seems the pest attack is widespread.. Tomatoes, Roses and Motia all effected..


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