My grapes plants leaves are like shown in picture.. Which disease is this...?
Which disease is this... Can anyone answer..
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Learn more about PlantixWhich disease is this... Can anyone answer..
I found this on top and under the leave and also on the pot for my fig plant
The grape fruit which I planted is right now having holes in leaves. Please provide me a solution by using organic methods. Thank you.
it was all fine until a week ago ..I don't use any chemical stuff on it I wana leap it bio their any solution thank u so much readers
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Kiran Sujit Piwal. It seems to be like Tobacco Caterpillar . Click on green link that will take you to Plantix library where everyone can find details of problem along with control measures.
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4 years ago