I am a bigginer culturing graphic trees soil is well prepared sandy in good weather using Nile water and sometimes tap water using dripping system.20 dated after putting small trees about 40 to 50 cm.,hight dry papers leafs and white spots with wrinkled leaves started ,l used antifungal agents with metal leaf oils after using malathion ,but still situation is bad, no weeds,using anti flee insecticides is done.l noticed the presence of fruit flees...could any body advice more clear specific treatment.
Does actacrone helpful for treatment of such infestation
5 years ago
Hallo you have burnt your grapevines with too much fertilizer. For young woody plants in the first year, only pay attention to sufficient potassium to obtain a stable wooden body. Grape vines also grow in rocks without additional fertilizer. Specially for vines, foliar application is not necessary for growth. Only to strengthen grapes can you work with foliar fertilizers, but be careful that the young leaves are very sensitive to chemical substances. cut the sick shoots back to a healthy leaf, a new shoot immediately forms.
5 years ago
If my suspection is right for being this case associated with Spider Mites infestation, please treat with acaricide like Abamectin 1.8 EC. If you click on blue hyperlink that takes you to plantix library for more details on this insect and control measures. Thank you!
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5 years ago
did you spray glyphosate for weeds before??
5 years ago
thanks for your help ,l already started using potassium and mineral oil,also cutting sick leaves.also lused antiwarm and ante fruit flee.a10 days after l think the leaves are improved but still crumbled. l will have some pictures next friday to judge the situation.best regards.