Leaf with a lot of colours
Do you know what's the problem with this grape leaf?
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Learn more about PlantixDo you know what's the problem with this grape leaf?
1. shoot bending 2. folding of leaves and only 1 plant seen in whole 2 acres of plot.
Yellow leave spots on front while the backside is fungus (WHITE POWDER).
please advice me which medicine i should apply for the deasese of verticullium welt.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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6 years ago
Hi Iva Thompson Welcome to Plantix Community and greetings to Croatia. It might be due to increase in Anthocyanin content in plant. In order to retard this content you need to increase Chlorophyll. Following are few measures 1. Use Seaweed Extract or growth regulators like Tricontanol. 2. Magnesium and Sulphur have rapid mobility and also catalyze Chlorophyll production. Provide Mg or S at regular intervals. Thanks
6 years ago
nahi maaloom
6 years ago
Hi, i think fungus disease Anthracnose de la Vigne click on this small link to find out more information
6 years ago
Look if there is any Phosphorus Deficiency .Go for testing ofsoil.
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