Most of the leaves are gone too
I thought i was over watering but now I'm starting to believe otherwise can anyone help?
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixI thought i was over watering but now I'm starting to believe otherwise can anyone help?
It is biten around the stem
Leaves seems eaten up
In my grape Orchard all leaves condition is very dangerous and all leaves are become very yellow and I can't find any deficiency for that leaves I have given all types of micro returns and anything to that vine but I can't get result what should I do for that
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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6 years ago
Hi Jennifer, Thank you for your efforts to visiting plantix community and Greetings to United States! Outwardly, seems like Pesticide Burn, I may need to discuss several times to find real clue/reasons behind such collapse of your vine leaves. Burning appearances could be also associated with degeneration of leaf cell-wall due to bacterial rapid multiplication. The symptom reveals very less chance of fungal mycelium or development of fruiting bodies or conidial reproduction. Please let us know if there's anything abnormal around the stem and crown area near the base of this affected plant. if so, pls upload a picture showing that symptoms. Thank you!
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6 years ago
However, I should forecast for most possibilities of following disease. So, have a look at this disease and learn how can we stand aside protect. Pierce’s Disease (Xylella fastidiosa) The Xylella fastidiosa is spread by the blue-green sharpshooter in California and by sap-feeding insects in Europe. Insects feed on a plant and transmit the bacteria inside the plant, where it travels through the xylem vessels and spreads the infection. Infected vines appear stressed, with leaves turning red or yellow in the summer, berries shriveling, and dead and dried leaves falling off the vine. There is no cure for Pierce’s Disease. However, current research involves using bacteriophages (viruses that kill bacteria) to stop and prevent the spread of Pierce’s Disease on wine grapes. More research is being conducted to learn precisely which bacteriophages can kill the toxic bacteria. A phage cocktail, consisting of four different phages, is used on plants that have already been infected and on plants that have not been infected. The result has been the same so far, that infection is prevented and the existing disease is controlled and not allowed to grow and spread. Thank you!
6 years ago
i did use bonide all seasons horticultural & dormant spray on it a day or so befpre putting it in yhe ground its i believe to be a year old vine i got from home depot. but i used the spray a week or so before and i didnt notice this effect then.. idk I'll let you know about the stem in the morning
6 years ago
pesticide burn problem need soda it reduce the effection of pesticide over dose or give giberalic acid on spray
6 years ago
Thank you Tufail Bhai for your great prescription.
6 years ago
Hallo The spots on your plant are most likely just sunburn. you have your vine in a pot so I guess you put it out of the house, into the blazing sun. Remove all damaged leaves and add 1/3 to the tendril. In one week, you have new leaves.
6 years ago
no damages on stem, thank you!
6 years ago
thank you very much, and do you mean soda water? or baking soda?
6 years ago
Sali bhai thank you so much for upvote here we use the soda or gebralic acid also reduce the effection of over dose spray
6 years ago
this picture of today new and fresh picture of pesticide burn i mean herbicide effection is same like this i recommend soda 50 gm /15 ltr water but remember there is no limit of soda you can use as much you have
5 years ago
Has it been exposed to weather under 32° degrees?
5 years ago
soda mean the poder which we uses for clothes washing that soda amino acid and gebralic acid also can reduce the effection of pesticide burn