Flea Beetles - Black & Green Gram

Black & Green Gram Black & Green Gram


Leaves on so many holes r formed how to eradicate.

Leaves r change in holes like oval shape


Vaquinha do feijoeiro Mvenkat


If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱


Mvenkat Flea Beetles Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.


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This syrup has insecticidal and fungicidal action. Ingredients: 100 g black pepper, 100 g crushed garlic 1 liter of alcohol Extract Method: Mix ingredients and let enjoying for a week. Application: Before applying, the extract must be diluted in water at 1%. This means that you should add 1 L of water for every 10 mL of pepper extract. The slurry can be applied 1 time a week. precautions: Apply immediately after preparation. Do not spray during the hottest hours of the day. Comments: If you are certified organic farmer, before applying any kind of syrup, extract or product, contact your certification. Recipe developed by: Luiz Geraldo Carvalho Santos


Mvenkat spray neem oil 1500ppm 5ml per liter water


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