How to get rid of this turning of beans
Beans are turning like this.
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Learn more about PlantixBeans are turning like this.
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crop leave are yellowing
the roots are good but the leaves are going like this
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Ajinkya apply water soluble fertilizer NPK FERTILIZER COMBO along with micronutrients
4 years ago
Ajinkya Black Spot Disease Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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4 years ago
Spraying Bordeaux mixture effectively reduces the attack of plant diseases, in concentrations of 0.1 to 0.2% metallic copper, not requiring two consecutive sprays in the sprouting flows, when used the concentration of 0.2%. Application Sprays in times of strong sprouting outbreak and later sprays, even without sprouts, to protect the fruits. Sanitary Pruning Remove and burn branches and leaves that have citrus canker lesions; Preparation of Bordeaux mixture (0.25%): Ingredients: 50g copper sulfate 50g of lime 20 liters of water Use two containers, one for the preparation of copper sulfate (a) and the other for lime milk (b). a) Place the copper sulfate (50g) in a cloth bag 4 to 24 hours before the start of preparation. Tie the bag to the end of a stick and dip it in + or - 2 liters of cold or warm water. b) Put the lime (50g) in 2 liters of water, mix well. Be careful not to burn the skin with the heat resulting from the reaction of the lime with the water. Before mixing the ingredients, strain the lime milk on a cloth. When mixing the ingredients, slowly pour the copper sulfate (2 liters) over the lime milk (2 liters). Do not reverse this order and always remember to paint white with blue. Use a wooden spoon to mix the sulphate, lime and the rest of the water (+ or- 16 liters). Check the acidity of the Bordeaux mixture (it should be neutral or slightly alkaline). Note: In young or flowering plants it is suggested to prepare the Bordeaux mixture with 60g of copper sulphate plus 30g of virgin lime (lower concentration of the syrup). For adult plants prepare the Bordeaux mixture with 120g of copper sulphate plus 60g of virgin lime (higher concentration of the syrup). In other words, the amounts (weight) of the ingredients (copper sulfate and lime) used for the preparation of the syrup may vary depending on the crop, climatic condition, degree of disease attack and the plant's development stage. It is advisable to carry out a test on some plants before applying the crop and checking that no injuries were caused by burns resulting from the application of the syrup. Cautions: Wear rubber gloves and a long-sleeved shirt when handling Bordeaux paste. Avoid contact of the syrup with the skin and eyes. Use the Bordeaux mixture immediately after preparation or within 3 days. How to apply: The syrup should be sprayed on the leaves of the plants. Apply from the vegetative phase to the fruit ripening phase, with intervals of 10 to 15 days between applications. Apply the syrup with mild temperatures (neither too hot nor too cold).