Is that a normal mung bean seedling or is it thrips??
Discoloration of seedling in mung bean to yellow color is significant in my crop
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixDiscoloration of seedling in mung bean to yellow color is significant in my crop
Yellowish colour and contracting leaves
Leaf and crop problem you pestiside use tel me answer
yellowness in some plants
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Faisal Abdul Rehman Seems like Tobacco Caterpillar attack. Any better insight?
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4 years ago
Tobacco caterpillar is pretty evident and I had seen one of the nasty worm adjacent to the field but I am not sure about these new leaves either affected with thrips or not
4 years ago
Hi Faisal Abdul Rehman , No it not seems normals. There is also insect infestation and plants are also under nutrational deficiency. Have you seen any insect there?
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta hi. I didn't see any of the insect myself insude the field as it was under water flood but I saw exactly same problems on the adjacent cotton field
4 years ago
Hi Faisal Abdul Rehman the symtoms are about insect infestation. How many plants have such damge?
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta the damage is across all the seven acres .