Rust on Blackgram - Black & Green Gram

Black & Green Gram Black & Green Gram


Black gram crop lo red rashes uashunai and two days back nativo 250grms for two acrs spray cheshanu . Enka ambnia fungicide spay cheyala. Crop age 45 days.

Black gram crop lo red rashes uashunai and two days back nativo 250grms for two acrs spray cheshanu . Enka ambnia fungicide spay cheyala. Crop age 45 days. PHOTO LO UNA THUPU OR KUNKUMA TEGULU


హాయ్ Sumarjun Rust on Blackgram ...ఇంకేమి మందులు వేయక్కర్లేదు ...Nativo సరిపోతుంది


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