Downy Mildew of Cucurbits - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


Please what is responsible for this on my fruiting cucumber

Brown and yellow patch on leave


Atandaola Maybe it’s for Downy Mildew of Cucurbits. Please click the green link to see details information and take necessary action.


Dear Atandaola how are you welcome to plantix community dear check there might be Gummy Stem Blight of Cucurbits Downy Mildew of Cucurbits


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Click on above links match the symptom and go to control option there Atandaola 👆👆


I agree, this looks like Downy Mildew of Cucurbits I would suggest an organic approach using baking soda and dish soap/ Neem oil. I have had moderate success with this. It does require multiple applications. Also remember to remove badly affected leaves so they dont spread and make sure to keep those leaves far away from any other plant. Maybe throw the removed leaves in the regular waste and not into compost


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