Leaf Miner Flies - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


Leaves of middle order are not staright ... Leaves are kind of dull but there is no any chnage in color , texture ... There is no any insect ...

Leaves of middle order are not staright ... Leaves are kind of dull ... Upper nd middle leaves are good but middle leaves which are large are bit dull


Hi Hitesh. Check symptoms carefully with Whiteflies and Leaf Miner Flies by clicking on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Suresh Gollar Sir , there are no signs of white flies ... Leaf miner problem was there but it's under control ... It's not on the leaves which are bit dull ...


Hi Hitesh . 1. Check irrigation schedule - Due to present cold climRight ate, don't do over irrigation - do overwatering according to need and climatical conditions. 2. Even check fertigation schedule well as per your plan.


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