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Wind Damage on Cucumber

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Wind Damage on Cucumber - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


New to gardening so I'd appreciate any input plz

My butternut squash was doing really well then started to look like this a couple weeks ago and I'm not sure what to do. The fruit was growing super quickly at first but seems stunted now. :( leaves look pretty crispy and brittle. I'm in AZ so it's been about 100 degrees, but I've got my drip set up and moisture reading moist daily. Added fish emulsion yesterday hoping that would help, but it's not looking much better yet. TIA for your assistance!


Danos Causados pelo Vento no Pepino K Colter


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If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱


Thank you!


I'm here in northern az as well an have quite a bit of knowledge but new to gardening as well...the most important thing I've learned this year is to protect against the elements there brutal to some plants here...keep everything under 102 if it goes higher your going to have damage acure...


Revise por abajo de la hoja con lupa. Si nota unas manchas color verde aceitosa se trata de Mildiu por eso se tornan cafeces y se secan


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