Gummy Stem Blight of Cucurbits - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


What is happening to my cucumbers?

I had a good first round of crop and then second crop is having this issue. Even leaves are dying.


Hello Ansh, Pls upload a picture showing full canopy of your plant otherwise we're unable to diagnose in a correct direction. As per your saying, if the leaves have started dying, it could be associated either for Downy Mildew of Cucurbits or Gummy Stem Blight of Cucurbits. So, you have the options to ck in Plantix Library by clicking on green hyperlinks and compare the symptoms. The fruit that you uploaded is a common symptom that is in predominant cases, is a characteristic symptom of failure of pollination. So, just study on our resources at plantix library and ask us again with a complete plant picture for our further checking. Hope that it makes a sense to you. Best of luck😊


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