Leaf Miner Flies - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


Unknown disease on Cucumber seedling

This is my 3 weeks Cucumber seedling. Apart from leaf miner, there is some other disease but since i am a new garder i am not sure how do i deal with it? I have planted it in cocopeat with a little compost


Hi Praveen . It looks like Anthracnose of Cucurbits and Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Please also avoid overwatering and direct watering on plant. Even don't allow soil to become water logged. Make a hole below the pot to drain out excessive water from the pot to drain out excessive water from the pot. Apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost to get good growth. Try well to get good growth of your plant.


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I agree with Suresh Gollar


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