Healthy cucumber plants going dry.
It's 70 days old plant. Was fine a few days ago and has already given a few good cucumbers. (Although most of them were bitter). Since 2-3 days, leaves have started getting dry. Drying up starts at edges. Then whole leaf, then whole vine becomes dry. Earlier there was leafminer problem, which got treated with Neem spray. (It's already done twice at 20 days interval) I can see very small (smaller than a pencil dot) hardly visible, brown colored insects on back of each leaf.
4 years ago
Hi Virendra Magnesium Deficiency Potassium Deficiency Leaf Miner Flies Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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4 years ago
I think the pattern does not match with leaf miner. Also treatment of leaf miner was done by neem oil and it had considerably reduced. No signs were there on new leaves.
4 years ago
It's less than 15 days when last neem oil mix spray was done. I think it will kill the leaves if I do it again now.