Hello Guys . I have a new cucumber plants transplant them to the garden. At first There growth was very amazing after there transplant weeks later they started to develop symptoms please help me save my plants.. Thank you
I Thought it was powdery mildew , They were covered in powdery substance, i picked out damaged leaf's. I sprayed them with Hydrogen per oxide , Black seed oil & Chemical free detergent mix the first day. The second day i sprayed them with Baking Soda, Black seed oil & Chemical free Detergent mix.
4 years ago
Arif انت تحتاج لبعض المبيدات التي تحتوي على النحاس او مبيد من مشتقات البنزيميدازول متوفرة في جميع المحلات الزراعية
4 years ago
Hi dear Arif how are you dear the symptom is look like Gummy Stem Blight of Cucurbits due to fungus infection andSpider Mites attack dear apply tebuconazol or mancozeb+spiromesifin or deltamethrine dear
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4 years ago
Thank you guys very much