Magnesium Deficiency - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


is this red mite or fertilizer deficiency ??

pant top stop growing and fruit are gone yellow ...


Give micro nutrient zn mg b and fungiside


Hi Wasim ,Melon Fruit Fly the above link for more details


Wasim It could be associated with failure of pollination and Magnesium Deficiency in Cucurbits. Use jaggery that solves issues in failure of pollination and Epson salt that corrects the issues with Magnesium deficiency. By clicking on green link, you are supposed to get more insights in plantix library.


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Wasim CUCUMBER FLOWER DROP IN CONTROLLED CULTIVATION REASONS 1 Much difference between day & night temperatures 2 Cloudy environment 3 High temperature 4 High Humidity 5 High transpiration rate 6 Boron deficiency 7 Low phosphorus level 8 Water scarcity 9 Sucking pests especially thrips attack REMEDY 1 Use silicon to suppress environmental stress 2 Install foggers on western side (outer side) & mist spray should be on insect net 3 Give 400 gm Boran per acre at weekly interval 4 In calcareous soils dissolve Boran in Luke warm water & than supply through drip 5 Give Phosphorus (12:61:00 or 13:40:13 or 00:52:34) at 4 days interval in flowering stage 6 In winter give irrigation in early morning hours. 7 Spray 10 PPM NAA in severe cases 8 Use silicon base sticker & spreader like silwet in every spray 9 For controlling thrips use Fipronil, Lambda Cylohythrin or Thiomethoxim or Spinosad 10 Install cooling fans in summers  11 Avoid over watering in Rainy & winter as Fusarium wilt is the major threat in these seasons.


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