Green mole virus. What should I do?
Green mole virus. Cutting the top leaves will help or not. Is there any chance of this virus will spread to my tomato plants. Should I cut the whole plant?
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Learn more about PlantixGreen mole virus. Cutting the top leaves will help or not. Is there any chance of this virus will spread to my tomato plants. Should I cut the whole plant?
Cucumber started hanging leaves looking thirsty, but they grow on top of a water tank?
Plant leaves get yellowish and vain of leaves become narrow
Is it mite or aphid ... numbers of these insects increasing rapidly..
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
I think it's difficult to cure it
4 years ago
Yousif Imran Cucumber Green Mottle Virus, pls click on this link and get details on how to manage.
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4 years ago
Hi Yousif Imran There is no remedy for viral infestation. The only way to control viral infestation is the control of its vector. It will be good if you uproot the infested plants. Cucumber Green Mottle Virus Formore information click the above link