Cotyledons Leaves first curling, getting white and plant wilting and dying.
Cotyledons Leaves first curling, getting white and plant wilting and dying. 15 days sowing, Fadia variety, 1st drench done with roko, Humic acid and 12:61:0,20 ml per plant. Net House crop. Soil is wet more than enough. Mulch used. Green and black sundi/illi observed on 30 plants out of 5500, leaf hopper also observed on 2-3% plants, morning water droplets are condensed on leaf seen, location Kanpur, temp 32-20
4 years ago
Hi Nitesh Pandey. Compare symptoms with Iron Deficiency by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix library. Also need to apply good amount of good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost too. Lets check and rectify the situation at your end.
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4 years ago
It is a over fertilizer dosage problem give more and more water to washout the nutrients frome soil