Aphids - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


Fly like pods suddenly appeared on my cucumber plant. How to treat it .? Thanks in advance

Fly like pods suddenly appeared on my cucumber plant. How to treat it .? Thanks in advance


Hi Ganesh Manohar . Lets check it for Aphids . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


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These are aphids


Where are you? We have tried in our field to control white flies and it was successful. There are two methods. Both are natural way.one is put paddy hey on water and keep it for a week.the water will turn yellowish. Spray the water on affected area. Second is cows urine. Collect in a earthen pot for a week with a lid on it. Eighth day you use that on affected area.


Muruganantham Kandasamy Thank you. I'm not growing it in field. I'm growing it in my balcony. I'll definitely try the cow urine as it is available near by my place and will let you the results.


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