Leaf Miner Flies - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


Leaves are becoming yellow. I just harvested thrice from my half acre land so far. How to improve more yield? Please some solutions for plant growth.

Please suggest name of some insecticide or fungicides or plant growth enhancer.


Hi Navin K This seems to be Cucumber Mosaic Virus infection refer Plantix library for more information


Hi Navin K. Yes, as rightly said by Sunil Sharma its Cucumber Mosaic Virus . This disease transmits through vectors like Aphids . Lets control vectors, to control disease. So, click on green links given here for checking symptoms and taking control measures. It might also associated with Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures too.


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Hi Navin K it is caused by Iron Deficiency click on the green link for more details


Hi Navin K it is caused due to Iron Deficiency click on the link for more details


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