Leaf Miner Flies - Cucumber

Cucumber Cucumber


Cucumbers are getting in to pale color with patches. Please help to resolve.

Cucumbers are getting in to pale color with patches. Please help to resolve.


Hi Subramanyam . I think your cucumber plant is expected by Leaf Miner Flies and defoliated of plant leaves leads to sunburn of fruits. For control measures click on green link to know symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. And due to touching of your cucumber fruits to ground, might be showing rotting symptoms as shown in picture, it's called fruit rot/Belly rot of cucumber, caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Control measures: 1. Use plastic mulch to create a barrier between fruit and soil 2. Plant in sites with good drainage to avoid wet soils 3. Apply appropriate protective fungicides when plants begin to climbing like Captan, 4. Provide stick support to climb vine Carbendazim at 3grms/ lit of water. Thanks for visiting.


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Ye ciye bimari hi


During tender stage fruits infected by sucking pest


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