What is name of this disease on cucumber? How to cure this?
All cucumbers are facing same problem. I have sprayed pesticide four times. But disease didn't cure. There are mix crop of sweet gourd, bitter gourd and many others. But problem is with cucumber only.
5 years ago
svp visitez ce lien peut etre vous trovez la répense https://www.agriculture-nouvelle.fr/nouvelle-maladie-concombre/
5 years ago
Can you please provide us information about the pesticides you have sprayed earlier.
5 years ago
Hello to traveller Tribe. Welcome to "Plantix Community". Some of the local "Cucumber Varieties" - fruits will curve little in nature. This is the beauty of local Cucumbers in some areas. But here we finding some GRU like scratched structure on Cucumber. I think its the effect of fruit fly. Cherry Fruit Fly For control measures and more knowledge visit "Plantix Library" by clicking on "Blue Hyper Link" given as above for your easy reference. Thank you. Visit again.
5 years ago
tata tafgor
5 years ago
For reviewing management practices, please click on Melon Fruit Fly that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find help. Thank you for your interests in Plantix Community!
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