Citrus Leaf Miner - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


Why are my leaves curling?

At first it was just a few leaves curled now more are curling and some are a deformed curled. I just seen one that was buckled upward. I watered it good thinking that would help but nothing I even did my fertilizer stakes. I have it potted. And I have noticed ants have moved into my pot. Could that be the problem, should I just plant it in the ground in March and will that help it? I have small oranges on it too, and alot of them still haven't fallen off for the size tree. Is it to many babies on there.


Ali-Zandra Hubbard Do you see any Whiteflies underside of curled leaves? For whiteflies sucking plant saps put stress afterwards that cause the leaves curl. Pls don't over water that may cause fruits or flower shedding or leaf curling upwards. Thank you, ahh! pls ck also Citrus Leaf Miner that can also cause curling modes.😁 If you click on the green hyperlinks that take you to plantix library for more resources on control measures!!


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Sali no white flies or leaf miners. It was curling before I gave it a deep watering.


Ali-Zandra Hubbard Maybe it’s for Boron Deficiency. Please click the green link to see details information and take necessary action. Also check the plant carefully if there any insect attack occurred.


Zahirul the only insects are ants in the soil. I did just fertilize it with citrus stakes, so ill give it a few days to see if it responds to it.


Hi there ! Use a organic citrus fertilizer and early am or evening spray with neem oil.


Kendra Alcoriza ok thanks!!


Ants are a welcome sign as they naturally defend against bugs and help to aerate and establish nutrients below the soil. = ) Trace minerals (sodium included) are usually the first elements to be absorbed by the roots. Odd leaf angles could simply be caused by osmotic pressure, from a lack of sodium and/or mineral salts in the plant's cells. 🌴 (We had a small mango tree whose leaves never seemed able to point upright on their own until we gave her some sea salt. 🌻) I would try the recommendations given by our team here. If she doesn't perk up in a few weeks, you could try adding a few pinches of sea salt to your next watering to see if that helps. = )


What about Epsom salt Dean Simmons. And thanks on the ants, I was getting worried that they would mess up my roots. I had a mango tree i had started from seeds, it was almost 2 years old. It was bombarded by fire ants in the potting soil. I'm talking millions and eggs, I throw the whole plant away 😔


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