Hello Plantix Community! Could this be related to copper deficiency? Is there any other factor that can trigger hiper sprouting of the buds on Citrus trees like the ones observed on the pictures attached?
My Citrus trees in Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso, Brazil started developing this excessive sprouting on the buds, the plant also presents curled leaves. This occurred in several plants, the variety is Thaiti lime and Pera Rio Orange both grafted on top of Cravo lemon. The root system looks fine.
3 years ago
Anderson Nascimento The curled appearance evolves after the severe infestation of Citrus Leaf Miner. Pls ck in Plantix library by clicking on green link and compare.
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3 years ago
Dear Sali good day! Thank you for your message! It really looks like leaf miner, but even clean leaves with no attack of leaf miner are curled and the excessive sprouting is everywhere. I still suspect of nutrient deficiency., But unfortunately no lab available in the region for confirmation.