This is lemon/citrus plant.
- The older leaves on this plant are yellowing with some having burn/wilt marks. - New leaves bave darker colour vein than leaf itself. - plant is having heavy amount of flower and fruits. But i am concerned about fruits gaining size with problem i plant. - some old and new leaves are perfectly healthy. + I made a mistake of overfertilization, when i added wet cowdung compost in worm bin and emptied all the drained water on plants. I realized later i mixed alot of worm tea and it was only very heavy concentration of cowdung compost. I mixed 1:10 in water instead of 1:100 -> 2:100 when i mix worm tea normally.
3 years ago
Hi Prince Lobiyal Your crop shows symptoms of Iron Deficiency and Spider Mites Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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3 years ago
Sreekanth M how to correct iron deficiency? I have lactobacillus culture for anaerobic composting and breaking down tough medium in soil itself for plants to use. Can i use same bacteria composition for breaking down iron and rust?