Citrus Butterfly - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


Hi, i planted this tangerin a year ago, till then to now the tree didn't grow. The leaves turned a little bit yellow as u can see. Underneat the leaves there are some tiny black spots.

Yellow curled leaves, underneat the leaf there are tiny black spots,


Hi Noel Theuma . Lets check symptoms with Greasy Spot and Citrus Butterfly. Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Citrus Butterfly is not, because i would see the caterpillar eating young leaves. Those tiny black spots on the backside of the leaf (not on young leafs) can be caused by leaf miner? Beacuse it had some and i am allready treating the tree for leaf miner.


Noel Theuma dak is swied huwa gmied, specjalment jekk is sigra tkun inhawla qrib hajt gholi. Ovvjament tista tuza fungicida li ikun fih il mancozeb, jew inkella ghamel naqra sapun tal platti ma l ilma u bexx is sigra kull hmistax. Tajjeb li nghidlek li jekk inhu gmied, l izjed li imur meta jaghmel halba xita tajba.


Joe Attard ghandek ragun ghax is sigra qeda hdejn hajt ta 7 filati.Imma tas sapun tal platti kienu diga qaluwili u pruvajta imma xorta ma hadmitx.Bhalisa ed intija copper base fugicida kull hmistax. Ila sena imhawla din il mandolina u lanqas kibret xejn.


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