Describes the chemical and biological control to this citrus leaf miner disease
It is citrus leaf miner disease So how to solve this problem Any one have any suggestions so tell me asap
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixIt is citrus leaf miner disease So how to solve this problem Any one have any suggestions so tell me asap
Powder type formation on plants stem, plz suggest any prevention of this.
This will attack fruit in plant
A year ago my orange plant had a black cover on the top of the leaves, I didn't do anything about it, in this year above black cover, plant has thousands orange kind of eggs on the top of the leaves and this is transfering like a virus around the plant. I can see a large amount of ants biting it, the leaves are very sticky. I am looking for stuff which I could spray to eliminate it. I can upload more photos if required.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Arpan Mondal Bio Spray Metarhizum anisopliae 5g/ liter Chemical Spray emamectin benzoate 5%5g/ or chloropyriphos 20ec30ml or Profenophos 50%ec20ml/10 liter of water.
3 years ago
Arpan Mondal Citrus Leaf Miner Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. ☺️☺️🌱🌱
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3 years ago
Arpan Mondal It’s for the attack of Citrus Leaf Miner. Please click the green link to see details information and take necessary action.