Hello Do you have any idea what the Issue could be? Thank you very much in advance! Regards
I noticed some brownish spots on my kumquat tree. It is located in a small green house at the south side where it gets some hours of direct sunlight each day. Humidity is also quite high mostly 50-80%. Some other leafs also have similar symptoms but not as pronounced. Some young leafs seem to indicate not enough minerals as they are brighter green
3 years ago
Hello Phil 145, thanks for contacting the Plantix community, from the photo it looks like manganese and iron deficiency, and also mites, please check our link Deficiencia de hierro , Deficiencia de manganeso , Araña roja (ácaro) for more information and recommended treatments,
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3 years ago
Hi Pablo Dyment , thank you very much for your fast and helpful response! I would then use a fertilizer to treat the deficiencies. I already brushed the plant to hopefully get rid of the mites. Would you suggest to also remove affected leaves? Thank you for your support