The new leaves are coming up with this deformed appearance. Any ideas?
The new leaves are coming up with this deformed appearance. Any ideas?
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Learn more about PlantixThe new leaves are coming up with this deformed appearance. Any ideas?
Change of leaves: all the plant leaves are rolled and falling. It was been happening from last week. How will the plant get recover.
This is a Lemon tree,I am facing this problem from past 6months,this white eggs comes on every new leaves of the plant and after some times this eggs are converted to insects,I have tried various things like cutting the infected area and spray the pesticides,but it's increasing day by day.. My plant is 5yrs old and still i got 1 fruit from it. Please help me finding the solution for the insects and white eggs and also help me to get fruits from the plant
This are my plants problems: 1. Stunted growth of lemon plants 2. Borer in bark n stem of citrus plants 3. Yellowing leaves 4. Meally buds 5. Leaf miners/ cankers. 6. Black spot in barks n stems of citrus plants .
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Hi João as per your images it is due to Citrus Thrips please click the above link to know all info about this pest
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3 years ago
João I agree with Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta
3 years ago
Oi João Concordo com o diagnóstico dos colegas.
3 years ago
Se possível nos envie mais algumas fotos para um melhor diagnóstico.
3 years ago
I already ripped off the insects, how to deal with virus now? Thanks in advance