Leaves falling down from orange plant?
Hi Team, Leaves are falling down from my orange plant, and then that branch is also going dead, i gave cow dung and vermicompost, DAP but still issue going on, I am afraid of reverse death of plant. Please help to save it #orange
4 years ago
Check watering and soil ph
4 years ago
K M M Sharma i dont have ph meter, i recently reported it also but problem is same. See the new attached picture
4 years ago
K M M Sharma about soil its Sand + garden soil
4 years ago
Suresh Gollar
4 years ago
தழைச்சத்து பற்றாக்குறை
4 years ago
Drench NPK water soluble fertilizer along with micronutrients
4 years ago
Murali Agri Rich Suresh Gollar Pranshu Raghuwanshi i have give urea and vermicompost today, I can understand it is nitrogen issue also but at same times leaves are falling down and branches is turning brown and getting dead, many branches after falling leaves turned brown and got dead, i am afraid of reverse death of plant. see the attached pictures
4 years ago
Vivek Gurkha sir it's Stem Rot if you watering too much then it's occurred or àccess water around root zone also a reason
4 years ago
Vivek Gurkha sir now at this stage it's hard to cover if ýou need þo try please apply trichoderma fungicide in your vermicompost and mix it well
4 years ago
Hi Vivek Gurkha . It seems to be like Magnesium Deficiency , Nitrogen Deficiency and initial stage of Iron Deficiency . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Also need to apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost once in 6 months along with recommended dosage of fertilizers or you can also use fertilizer calculater available here on home page of Plantix to increase your plant growth. Care: Don't do overwatering and direct watering on plant. Even don't allow soil to become water logged. Make a hole below the pot to drain out excessive water from the pot. Expose plant to sunshine not to direct sunlight till its recovery. Try well and take care of your plant please.
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