Problems with lemon's leaves
I friends,Ishow you of a problem with the new leaves of my potted lemons. Can anyone tell me the reason and the solution. Thanks
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Learn more about PlantixI friends,Ishow you of a problem with the new leaves of my potted lemons. Can anyone tell me the reason and the solution. Thanks
Brown spot at the flowering end and increase day by day in size
I hope that it is fungus ! Brown and black spots on young fruit
Black soot like structure on the fruit
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Sergio . Need some more clear day time full plant direct field pictures with your proper query again please.
4 years ago
Your picture is not clear Sergio it seems likeবোরনের অভাবজনিত রোগ click on the green link for information
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4 years ago
Hi Gollar il problema si presenta solo sulle nuove foglie della pianta. Solo alcune del gruppo come in foto raggrinziscono. Io le elimino ma non capisco perché..!!!!GRAZIE
4 years ago
Hi Gollar... un altro problema dei miei limoni in vaso è che i piccoli limoni ingialliscono e cadono. Un problema che ho trovato sono le formiche che entrano nei fiori della pianta. Sto combattendo in ogni modo!!! Grazie.
4 years ago
Hi Sergio. We need clear and closer day time full plant direct field pictures with your proper query again please. Otherwise its difficult to judge exactly what it is.
4 years ago
Ok. Thanks