I have this citrus tree (not sure if it is an orange or other species of it). Leaves have lost its shape because of patches. Is it a nutrition deficiency or any disease?
Citrus tree's leaves have lost shape and cuts are visible
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Learn more about PlantixCitrus tree's leaves have lost shape and cuts are visible
Need fertilization schedule to boost growth of plants.
Why my guava tree of leaf is dying please help me what I can do
Citrus plant appear that ... Is it disorder or disease
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Lagarta dos Citros Hiren If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱
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Get Plantix now for free!Hiren
4 years ago
Thank you. Will check and update if I find any solution 🙂
4 years ago
I agree with Manejebem | Artur
4 years ago
Hiren it's insects attacks apply profenofos 40% ec + cypermethrin 4% ec (profex super)
4 years ago
40 ml per pump or apply neem oil 1500ppm 5 ml per liter water
4 years ago
Pranshu Raghuwanshi does neem oil works? If yes how much of the oil needs to be added for a litre of water? Not sure how ppm is measured
4 years ago
Hiren use 5ml per liter water neem oil
4 years ago
Hiren generally 1500ppm is recommended if you can't have go to iffco ebazar and get it for free home delivery also products have minimum rates thak you
4 years ago
Pranshu Raghuwanshi Thank you. I will check and update you.