Please guide me about this problem in grapefruit and suggest solutions?
Color change in fruit
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Stem of lemon get dried out and then whole tree gets dried
There are signs of fungus on backside of leaves.
I continously monitoring this patches after few days that branches get driedup and die.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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4 years ago
Waqar Ali Could be infested with Citrus Greening Disease and compare by clicking on green link.
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4 years ago
I agree with Sali
4 years ago
Hi Waqar Ali as per your images the symtoms are quite similar to Citrus Greening Disease Please click the above link to know all information about this disease. How many plants have such symtoms in your plot?
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta Citrus Greening Disease looks similiar to my problem but how to apply the suggested solution? The affested fruit in my orchard, if i say in percentage, is less than 5 percent. And dont you think its early stages of citrus canker. What you say about this?
4 years ago
Thank you Waqar Ali 😊 For Canker disease in grapefruit, pls ck in Plantix library for Citrus Canker and compare. I think it’s not similar to your fruit's damage.
4 years ago
Waqar Ali Pls ck if there's psyllids are available in your orchard, the nymph are also involved in transmitting this bacteria for spreading to new leaves and fruits. So, spray insecticide like Imidacloprid or Dimethoate for effective control of both nymph and adults psyllids. Citrus Psyllid, click here to know about psyllids.
4 years ago
Hi Waqar Ali can you please share few images of effected Leaves?
4 years ago
Hi Waqar Ali Can you please Share how many plants are affected? This spread via sucking Insect pests like Citrus Psyllid
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta Leaves are not afected, yellow spots appeared on fruits only. I will check psyllid in orchard and if found will go for treatment. Will this be enough or i should do something else also?
4 years ago
Waqar Ali yes