What do i need to use as fertilizer for 1st year red blood plants planted in feburary 2020 in coming months.
Need fertilization schedule to boost growth of plants.
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Learn more about PlantixNeed fertilization schedule to boost growth of plants.
Crack develops in all fruit and some of the leaves get dried in tree itself.
Mosumbi tree looks like dieing and not growing properly. Leafs are turning pale and look's like life less.
The tips are yellow and started browning. My sister neglected this tree and im trying to get it healthy again
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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4 years ago
Hasnain Khan You need to control weeds then use adequate FYM and start to intercrop with legumes that fixes atmospheric nitrogen by symbiosis process.
4 years ago
Hi Hasnain Khan , I will share a detailed fertilizer plan for citrus crop here using drip irrigation system. Which fertilizer you have applied yet? Currently your plants under nutrational deficiency especially Nitrogen Deficiency There is also leaves are curled due to sucking pests. I suggest you to remove these weeds from your field as early as possible. Jazakallah
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4 years ago
Thank you Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta sir i have used Nitro phos 2 week ago.
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta should i use rotavator to remove weeds in the field?
4 years ago
Hasnain Khan yeah tractor can easily move there then you can do it.
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta sir i will do that in couple of days. please share the fertilising plan. That will be very helpful.
4 years ago
Sali sir what other option we can use for intercroping as so far i have opted not to intercrop atall to give emphasis to orchard but weeds have been massive problem. Its on almost 15 acres.
4 years ago
Dear Hasnain Khan, If you don't do intercrop your main crop also will be unsuccessful. I'm telling it from my experience as a Farm Manager for more than 2 decades. 😁😂
4 years ago
Sali sir so what about wheat? It is a seven month crop. Wont it hert the growth progress of citrus or peach?
4 years ago
Dear Hasnain Khan, Now I grow plants in pots and see this plant how it is growing.
4 years ago
Dear Hasnain Khan, Pls don't do exhaustive crop like wheat or maize in your orchard for sudden profit. Always look forward to adding nutrients to the soil, I should say doing crop like wheat is something like stealing nutrients from citrus plants. So, pls don't do it to hamper your original crop. Pls cultivate legumes, say soybean or long yard bean or groundnut etc as intercrops
4 years ago
Sali thank you sir really appreciate your kind advice. I will work on it and will share it here what ever i opt for.
4 years ago
Dear Hasnain Khan, You're welcome! Another advice! Pls try to feel about root health and what ideal conditions you are providing to the plant root and soil, then think about the canopy and growth habits. Growing crops is an unique engineering that is learning by doing and believing by seeing. You learn new things in every season. So, pls keep in touch with Plantix Community and do your best 😊
4 years ago
Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta Sir can you share detailed fertilizer plan Please. When possible