Potassium Deficiency - Citrus

Citrus Citrus


Yellow spots on the lemon plant

plant developed these spots in last few days, I shifted this sapling to the pot 2 weeks back. The climate is hot here, going upto 44C. This plant gets a good 6-8 hours of direct sunlight


Hi Tushar. It looks like Magnesium Deficiency and Potassium Deficiency .Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Care: Don't do overwatering and direct watering on plant. Even don't allow soil to become water logged. Make a hole below the pot to drain out excessive water from the pot. Apply good amount of Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost once in 6 months to get good growth.


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so this is not a sun burn?


Hi Tushar . As your explanation, your present climate is hot and reaching some time to 44 C. So, you also check for symptoms of Sunburn by clicking on green link please.


Suresh Gollar i added supplementary NPK in form of vermicompost and liquid fertilizer. It prompted growth of new leaves but even new leaves are facing same disease after few days. Nay suggestions?


Hi Tushar .Don't do overwatering. Expose plant to sunshine but not sure direct sunlight. Wait for some time for its response.


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